Chemistry Lab Format

Date ___________________
Lab Partner ________________

  1. PROBLEM/PURPOSE: Write a sentence clearly stating what is to be found in the lab.
    1. In this section you need to introduce the lab and include all background information pertaining to the lab. This is where you will reorganize the notes that I have given you during class into a well thought-out paragraph.
    2. Define any new or unusual terms.
    3. Include W.H.M.I.S. to be adhered to in the lab. Include M.S.D.S. information about the chemicals in the lab.
  3. HYPOTHESIS: What is your prediction as to the outcome of the lab? Give reasons. The hypothesis is not necessarily a one sentence prediction.
  4. MATERIALS: List all of the equipment and chemicals to be used in the lab.
    1. List the materials in order of use.
    2. List the steps undertaken, in order, to complete this lab.
  6. DATA - Data consists of three parts:
    1. Quantitative - Any numerical data: data tables, graphs, charts, and calculation answers.
    2. Calculations - Show all relevent work including formulas.
    3. Qualitative Observations - This is any data which can be observed using the five senses. This also might include pictures.
  7. DATA ANALYSIS - Explain your data. Describe what it means and what it shows. Identify and describe any relevant patterns within the data.
  8. CONCLUSION - In a very brief paragraph, conclude the lab. Make sure that you have answered the hypothesis and the purpose of the lab. Did any future questions arise after completing the lab?
  9. DISCUSSION/EVALUATION - Evaluate the lab. What were the strengths and weaknesses with the set up? How would you improve upon the lab in the future? Identify and critique procedural mistakes that could have affected the data. This is not a place to gripe.


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