Lecture 10/27/99, Chapter 6, Section 1-3


   1.Chapter 6 Homework Set
   2.Chapter 6 Assignment: Due Monday 11/8/99, 5:00 pm Homework Set and Questions: 4,12,20,22,30,32,38,42,48,54,60,68,74,84,86,95


   1.Limiting Reagents with LOX, introduce energetics
        a.Video Clip (George Gobel's Home Page, local)
        b.Limiting Reagent problem

   2.Introduction to Thermodynamics
        a.Gummy Bear Animation (CD-ROM; d:, h:, internet )

        b.What is energy (ability to do work, relative)

        c.Kinetic energy Ek = mv2 (Throw Chalk)

        d.Potential energy Ep = mgh (Drop Chalk)

        e.Chemical energy (stored in bonds)
                  a.Electrolysis of water (demonstrate)
                  b.Dissolving salt (cold)
                  a.Combustion of gasoline
                  b.Combustion of H2 and O2 (demonstrate)

             a.calorie (1 gram of water 1 C)
             b.Joule (SI Unit) kg m2/s2
             c.cal = 4.184 J

   3.1st law of thermodynamics. The law of conservation of energy. Energy content of the universe is constant. Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. No
     perpetual motion machines.
        a.Problems are worked in terms of the internal energy of a system E
        b.We can only measure the change in energy, /\E.
        c.What is a system?
        d.The change in internal energy is also related to heat (q) and work (w)
          E = q + w

   1.Specific Heat and Heat Capacity (Problems)
        a.Heat Transfer
             i.Macro scale video ( CD-ROM; d:, h:, internet)
             ii.Micro scale animation (CD-ROM; d:, h:, internet)

        b.Discuss Energy, Heat, and Temperature

        c.Heat Water for Chocolate
             i.250 ml of water
             ii.4.184 J g-1 K-1
             iii.From 15 C to 90 C

        d.Same energy and heat 250 g of Gold (0.128 J g-1 K-1)

        e.Section 6-8 on CD-ROM for heat capacity demo. Collect data (time vs temp) and graph.

        f.Heat 10 g piece of copper to 500 C. Then Place in 1 liter of water at 20 C. What is the final Temperature?

[Chemistry 20]