C30 Organic Chemistry
Last Updated: Tuesday August 29, 2000  

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Addisen Wesley

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Organic Chemistry

  1. The Alkanes (Samples)
  2. Colorful Oxidation of Alcohols
  3. Light Catalyzed Bromination of Hexanes and Aromatic Compounds
  4. Nylon 6-10
  5. Odorivectors
  6. Polymers
  7. Polyurethane
  8. Preparation of Acetylene (an Alkyne): The Caving Helmet
  9. Soap Suds Titration
  10. Solubility of Alcohol
  11. Space-filling Models of CH4
  12. Sugars (Samples)*
  13. Tetrahedron From Four Balloons*
  14. Tetrahedron Molecular Model - see Molecular Geometry...
  15. Tollen's Test for Aldehydes and Ketones (The Silver Mirror)


  1. Column Chromatography
  2. DNA Models - see Molecular Model Sets and Molecular Models
  3. Liver and Peroxide
  4. Lysozyme Molecular Model with Model of Saccharide - see Molecular Models...
Organic Chemistry

Types of molecules
Families of organic compounds
Properties of organic compounds
Organic chemical reactions


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