Electron Configurations Homework Problem Set


  1. Write the electon configuration (ie: 1s2, 2s1), orbital energy diagram, and orbital box diagram for,
    1. H, Li, Na, and K
    2. Be, Mg and Ca
    3. C, Si and Ge
    4. F, Cl and Br
    5. Fe, Ni and Zn
    6. Cl1- and K1+
    7. Mg2+ and F1-
  2. Use a blank periodic table and write in the periodic trends for,
    1. atomic size
    2. ionization energy
    3. electron affinity
    4. ion size
  3. Element 112 was first produced "February 9th, 1996 at 22:37 at the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany". Write the electron configuration for this element, write a set of quantum numbers for the valence electrons, and add the element to the periodic table in the front of your textbook.

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