Science 9 Density Lab

This lab will refresh your memory on density and lab skills. You will need to find the density of four objects - a wood block, a metal block, a metal cylinder (measure the volume of the metal cylinder by two different methods), and a paper clip. You also will find the density of water. The second part of the lab involves determining whether a sample of antifreeze is pure. As extra credit, you can determine the percent of water in the sample, if it is not pure. (IB Chemistry - this part is required.)

The following are the parts of the lab you will need to include in your writeup. Be sure to use the lab format handout as a guide.

  1. Introduction/Background: State all prior information about density, be sure to define it. Clearly state the purposes of the lab.
  2. Hypothesis: List objects in order from most dense to least dense and give reasons.
  3. Procedure: Write your own. Be sure that your steps are clear so that someone unfamiliar with the lab could follow them. You do not include calculation instructions in the procedure.
  4. Data: Set up a clear, organized data table. Be sure to include all original data and units.
  5. Data Analysis: Include one sample calculation for each calculation performed.
    V (block) = L x W x H = 2.00 cm x 3.00 cm x 3.00 cm = 18.0 cm3

    Discuss your results - do they seem reasonable? Discuss your antifreeze sample as well.

  6. Evaluation: Error analysis, be sure to mention how possible errors may affect results. Also discuss your two volume measurements for the graduated cylinder. Which do you think is more accurate and why?
  7. Conclusion: Briefly state your results. No new information should be introduced here.

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Science 9 Labs

Candle Lab Density Lab Atomic Theory
Chemical Formulas Chemical Quantities - The Mole Chemical Reactions
Thermochemistry Gas Laws Equilibrium and Reaction Rates

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